Fei Tao

I am a second-year Electrical and Computer Engineering graduate student at Rutgers - New Brunswick, the State University of New Jersey. I work as a research assistant at Multimedia Image Processing Lab at Rutgers University under supervised by Professor Ivan Marsic and his Ph.D. student. Before joining Rutgers, I obtained my B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering at Xiamen University.

I am actively seeking full-time opportunities as Software Development Engineer or Data Engineer. My expected graduation time is June 2018.

Contact:   fei.tao@rutgers.edu | |




Cohorts Analysis and Visualization  

Python K-Means K-Medoid DBSCAN Hypothesis test

Participated in an NIH project to build a smart trauma resuscitation decision support system.I clustered partition patients into cohorts of similar conditions and designed weight learning algorithm on case-based feedbacks then conducted statistical significance test to uncover the association between treatment patterns and patient cohorts.Paper was submitted to the analytic track of International Conference of Health Informatics 2018.

Course Works


Modeling Human Affective Behavior with Deep Learning 


We applied CNN, RNN (GRU) and DCGAN models to accomplish speech-driven facial animation. We generated landmarks of the speaker from audio and video features by applying CNN and GRU and synthesized faces conditioned on landmarks by applying DCGAN. Project based on CVPRW paper.

Repeated A* Algorithm

Fast Trajectory Replanning for Generated Mazes 


A trajectoty planning program extended A* algorithm to the repeated forward and backward A* algorithms which can be applied in the field of slef-driving cars. For more details, click A Project on Fast Trajectory Replanning for Computer Games for “Introduction to Artificial Intelligence” Classes.


Sentiment Analysis 

Java JavaScript HTML MapReduce 

A visualization tool and a Java program implemented the MapReduce method to do Sentiment Analysis for any article.


Digits classification and Face recoginition 

C++ Naive Bayes Classifier MIRA Perceptron 

Trained three classifiers, Naive Bayesian Classifier, Perceptron and MIRA based on the density-detected feature extraction and got a 90% accuracy for test digit data and a 94% accuracy for face test data. For more details, click Face Detection and Digit Classification.


Dec 2017 - Present Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ Rutgers University
  Research Assistant, Multimedia Image Processing Lab
Jan 2017 - May 2017 Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ Rutgers University
  Teaching Assistant, Digital Signal Processing, ECE
July 2015 - September 2015 Aike Electronics Co., Ltd., HeBei, China
  Research & Development Intern


Neural Networks and Deep Learning 

Time : November 7, 2017

An online non-credit course authorized by deeplearning.ai and offered through Coursera


Becoming a Data Scientist – Curriculum via Metromap>
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Becoming a Data Scientist – Curriculum via Metromap 

Theories Tools

A metro map guidance for those who decide to be an excellent data scientist!

Copyright © 2017 Fei Tao